Phillip Schofield announces the death of his mother

 Burning Bright Productions/PA Phillip Schofield looking sombre, in a pink shirt in a room with sunflowers plus a sunflower picture, filming for episode two of Channel 5's Cast Away. Burning Bright Productions/PAPhillip Schofield recently appeared on Channel 5's show Cast AwayFormer This Morning host Phillip Schofield has announced the death of his mother, after a "heartbreaking weekend".
Schofield said: "I’ll forever be proud and privileged she was my mum. I love you mum, forever."
He shared an Instagram story with several pictures of his mother, Pat, including one of her wing-walking, calling her "one of the oldest ever ladies" to do it.
The ex-TV presenter wrote that she died on Monday afternoon, calling her "calm, peaceful, beautiful and dignified".
Channel 5 Broadcasting Limited Press Phillip Schofield sitting on a beach in Cast Away looking pensive in shorts and T-shirt Channel 5 Broadcasting Limited PressPhillip Schofield suggested on Cast Away that that this would be his final TV appearanceShe is widely reported to have been aged 88 when she died.
"After a heartbreaking weekend, my magnificent mum decided it was time to go to her beloved [husband] Brian," he said.
“Over three days, we held her, loved her, hugged her and said everything that needed to be said," Schofield added, thanking the medical teams "who have been, in the past and this weekend, my mum's and our angels".
His father died in 2008.
The news of his mother's death follow's Schofield's recent solo appearance on Channel 5's programme Cast Away, in which he discussed his departure from ITV in 2023, having lied, before later admitting to an affair with a younger employee at the company.
He subsequently disappeared from the spotlight and told the BBC that his career was finished.
In Cast Away – his first return to a TV series since leaving ITV – Schofield spent 10 days by himself on a small island off the coast of Madagascar.
He suggested on the show that this would be his final TV appearance.