Take on new cultural missions and create new glories for socialist culture – written on the first anniversary of the promulgation of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts‍‍

Ideas inspire action, and theoretical frameworks guide practical applications. Every significant endeavor necessitates the proper direction provided by scientific theory.

On October 7 and 8, 2023, the National Conference on Propaganda and Cultural Work convened in Beijing, during which the adoption of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture was announced. This landmark decision is a pivotal moment in the evolution of the Party’s propaganda and cultural initiatives.

Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture serves as a theoretical foundation for the Party’s cultural construction leadership in this new era. It enriches and expands upon Marxist cultural theory, forming an essential component of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

This development represents a significant advancement in the Party’s comprehension of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. It illustrates the Party’s historical confidence and cultural self-assurance, providing a powerful ideological tool and scientific guide for effectively enhancing propaganda and cultural work in this new era while embracing new cultural responsibilities.

Over the past year, Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture has been continuously refined through practical application, showcasing a compelling force of truth. It has consistently contributed to the development of socialist culture, offering strong ideological support, spiritual encouragement, and favorable cultural conditions to promote nation-building and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization.

To stimulate theoretical innovation, we must consistently explore new dimensions in the modernization of Marxism in China. Great periods inspire grand ideas; those ideas in turn lead to impactful actions.

Just days after the conference, from October 10 to 13, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Jiangxi for an inspection. While near Jingdezhen, he commented on the enduring legacy of exceptional Chinese traditional culture, identifying ceramics as a treasure of Chinese civilization.

During a visit to Shaanxi Province on September 10, Xi reflected on the He Zun artifact housed in the Baoji Bronze Ware Museum, which includes the earliest written instance of the word “China.” He stressed the importance of delving deeper into the rich meanings embedded in five thousand years of Chinese civilization, advocating for the promotion of patriotic sentiments and the transmission of outstanding traditional culture to future generations.

The historical richness and depth of Chinese culture continue to engage the General Secretary, fostering profound reflections. By emphasizing the integration of Marxist principles with China’s unique circumstances and rich traditions, Xi has innovatively presented the concept of “second integration,” which he believes strengthens the cultural foundation of the socialist path with Chinese characteristics.

Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture embodies this commitment to the “two integrations,” marking a breakthrough in the innovation and evolution of Marxist cultural theory. It serves as a deep synthesis of over a century of cultural leadership and the practical experiences of propaganda in the new era, raising the cultural banner of the Chinese Communist Party.

The journey of practice is endless, just as the pursuit of theoretical innovation knows no limits. At a symposium commemorating the 120th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s birth, Xi highlighted that advancing Chinese-style modernization broadens the horizons for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, laying a solid groundwork for the Party’s theoretical innovations on its new path.

As we contemplate revitalizing traditional Chinese cultural elements through Marxism, creatively transforming and innovatively developing our splendid traditions, and strengthening the ideological foundations uniting the Party and the people, the General Secretary’s inspections continue.

In Shanghai, he underscored the necessity of shaping people’s hearts and minds using socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era. In Shandong, he emphasized the significance of cultural confidence and deeply exploring the essences of traditional culture. During a meeting focused on the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, he highlighted the need to preserve and promote Yellow River culture to safeguard our historical and cultural roots.

The evolving understanding of the Party’s theoretical innovations, particularly regarding the “two integrations,” is boldly reflected in Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture, showcasing its capability to progress with the times while adhering to core principles.

As spring arrived this year, Tianjin’s Ancient Culture Street burst with festive decorations, drawing visitors eager to enjoy local specialties, a testament to the vibrant fusion of history and modernity. Xi reiterated that achieving Chinese-style modernization cannot occur without inheriting and promoting outstanding traditional culture.

Culture is the soul of a nation and its people. In advancing cultural creation while preserving historical vitality, Xi has keenly addressed the principles governing cultural inheritance and development.

In Gansu province, the Maijishan Grottoes, a significant historical site over 1,600 years old, offers a visible narrative of Chinese civilization. Xi acknowledged the importance of Gansu’s rich cultural heritage and the need to safeguard red cultural resources.

“Chinese-style modernization infuses modern vitality into Chinese civilization, while the latter enriches the former with depth,” Xi remarked, emphasizing the reciprocal relationship between the two.

“We have made bold strides over the past year,” he stated warmly in his New Year address for 2024. As we embark on this new journey, our confidence draws from the historical depth and breadth of Chinese civilization.

Cultural prosperity is intertwined with national prosperity. Xi’s Thought on Culture reinforces the cultural identity of the Chinese nation, solidifying the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership in cultural endeavors.

New ideas pave the way for new practices, and Xi Jinping’s Thought provides a systematic framework to tackle the vital question of advancing socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in today’s context.

On September 21, a dynamic political event unfolded at Nankai University, where faculty and students united in a powerful pledge of patriotism, exemplifying the emphasis on fostering ideals and beliefs.

Earlier this year, Xi urged educational reforms in ideological and political courses to prioritize Marxism while enriching the curriculum with traditional culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture.

These reforms swiftly took shape to enhance ideological education at all levels of schooling, ensuring a comprehensive and effective guiding framework for youth.

Driven by profound philosophical insights, cultural strategies continue to illuminate the path toward fulfilling China’s modernization vision.

In the capital, Beijing, the Central Axis has attracted international attention with its recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Xi called for holistic protection of both cultural and natural heritage to safeguard the treasures of Chinese civilization.

Across various regions, local initiatives have intensified efforts to protect and inherit historical legacies amid urban development, demonstrating that progress can harmonize with preservation.

The vibrant spectrum of cultural practices, from films to television shows, flourished during festive occasions, showcasing an industry thriving on meeting the cultural needs of the populace, thus reflecting the collective spirit of the new era.

A significant exchange of cultures unfolded across borders, highlighting the depths of Chinese civilization. Events like cultural forums and musical collaborations have resonated with the enduring strength of intercultural dialogue.

Xi has consistently emphasized the importance of globalizing Chinese culture, utilizing it to convey the unique essence, values, and wisdom of China.

As we contemplate the interconnectedness of cultures, Xi’s vision for building a community with a shared future resonates deeply in today’s global landscape, urging cooperation and understanding among nations.

Drawing inspiration from historical dialogues along the ancient Silk Road, Xi’s call for collaborative spirits remains crucial as we navigate contemporary international relations.

In response to the growing cultural exchanges, Xi envisions a world where diverse civilizations learn from one another, thus enriching global harmony.

Innovative policies promoting ease of travel further bolster cultural interactions, allowing more people to connect with the richness of Chinese heritage.

These ongoing dialogues unfold across various platforms that blend traditional and contemporary cultures, fostering understanding and respect—essential for a peaceful global future.

Under Xi’s leadership, we stand poised to achieve remarkable cultural development as we advance toward a brighter and more harmonious world.