International Observation- Fellow travelers and true friends who share the dream of pursuing modernization

In a recent interview, leaders from China and Africa discussed the outcomes of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum Beijing Summit, which set the stage for a new era of modernization collaboration. President Xi Jinping’s keynote address highlighted six major initiatives aimed at jointly advancing modernization and presented ten partnership actions. He affirmed that the collective journey toward modernization between China and Africa is poised to inspire a broader movement within the Global South and contribute to building a community with a shared future for humanity.

The proposals outlined by President Xi have received strong support from African leaders, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in their shared aspirations for modernization. This reflects a deeper understanding of the principles that govern modernization and a heightened historical awareness of self-determination among both regions.

Together, China and Africa are forging a model of modernization that is just, inclusive, and mutually beneficial. Historically, the legacy of colonialism has overshadowed Africa, with Western nations interfering in its internal affairs. In their modernization efforts, both China and Africa are committed to principles of sincerity, friendship, mutual assistance, and common development. African nations have consistently backed China’s legitimate interests on the international stage, and China has vowed to maintain genuine cooperation while refraining from meddling in domestic politics or imposing conditional aid. Congolese President Sassou remarked that modernization is not just a slogan; China stands as a steadfast ally to Africa, ready to work together for this goal.

At present, China has established comprehensive strategic partnerships with all African nations that maintain diplomatic relations with it, ushering in a new era labeled as a “comprehensive, weatherproof community of shared destiny.” A notable 52 African countries and the African Union have signed memorandums of understanding related to the Belt and Road Initiative, with 33 countries joining the “Friends of the Global Development Initiative.” This collaboration has led to impressive outcomes, with trade volume skyrocketing from $10.5 billion in 2000 to $282.1 billion in 2023—a nearly 26-fold increase. Chinese investment in Africa has also surged from under $500 million in 2000 to over $40 billion today. During the summit, China announced zero-tariff treatment for products imported from 33 least-developed countries with diplomatic ties, becoming the first major world economy to take such a step. Mauritanian President Ghazouani, serving as the African Union’s rotating presidency chair, emphasized that the ten partnership actions introduced by China will provide substantial support for Africa’s modernization efforts.

The essence of China-Africa cooperation is rooted in people-centered and inclusive modernization. The collaboration has proven to be beneficial for both sides, garnering appreciation from many African nations. So far, China has dispatched medical teams to nearly every African country, providing healthcare to around 230 million people. Under the “Poverty Alleviation and Agricultural Development Project,” China has implemented 47 initiatives aimed at poverty reduction and agricultural advancement, enlisting the expertise of over 500 agricultural specialists and assisting more than one million smallholder farmers. Moreover, China has established 17 Lu Ban workshops across 15 African nations to promote local employment, with Chinese companies creating over 1.1 million jobs on the continent. These initiatives clearly have a positive impact, instilling confidence in Africa’s efforts to overcome poverty.

Diversity and inclusion are key features of China-Africa cooperation. This partnership is built on equal dialogue, with both sides actively engaging in global cultural exchange initiatives. In recent years, numerous platforms for cultural exchange have been established, leading to conferences and events that bridge civilizations. Educational exchanges, tourism, and cultural programs have flourished, with the Chinese language now integrated into several African national education systems. Notably, Chinese cultural exports like Peking opera, martial arts, and films have gained popularity across Africa. The Senegalese Museum of Black Civilizations, constructed with Chinese support, allows African communities to preserve their historical and cultural heritage while African music and dance increasingly resonate with Chinese youth.

The modernization journey shared by China and Africa also emphasizes environmental safety and peace. Africa, being the continent most affected by climate change, is working towards transforming its energy systems, despite significant gaps in green technology and products. China and Africa have taken the lead in green cooperation, as evidenced by the signing of the China-Africa Cooperation Declaration on Climate Change and various collaborative agreements aimed at creating a “green Great Wall.” Reports indicate that China has implemented hundreds of clean energy projects across Africa, helping nations enhance their green development capabilities. Chinese investments have seen solar power plants built in Botswana, South Africa, Kenya, and Rwanda, contributing to Africa’s clean energy initiatives. In 2023, there was a marked increase in the export of Chinese new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar products to Africa, further bolstering the continent’s energy transformation. Madagascan President Rajoelina expressed hope that with China’s assistance, Africa will experience transformative changes.

In recent years, China’s global security initiative has guided its strategic cooperation with Africa in peace and security matters. China has been actively involved in African peacekeeping efforts, contributing to UN missions and mediating critical regional issues. Military exercises and joint patrols have been conducted to enhance Africa’s capacity for peacekeeping and counter-terrorism, providing vital security support for the shared journey towards modernization.

As a Chinese proverb states, “It is hard for one to stand alone, but it is easy for many to move together,” which resonates with the African saying, “True friends walk the same road.” On the road to modernization, cooperation between China and Africa is essential. Ultimately, the narrative of human history shows that the modernization of the world hinges on the modernization of both China and Africa. Together, they will pursue their dreams of modernization as true friends, working toward a brighter future for their peoples and making significant contributions to the Global South while fostering hope for a community with a shared future for humanity.