Guizhou Qianxi- East-West cooperation helps relocated people find jobs at their doorsteps

During a recent tour of the resettlement site in Qianxi City, we had the opportunity to speak with workers from various garment and textile enterprises.

In one workshop, workers were busy processing clothing, showcasing their skills in a vibrant and bustling atmosphere. This site is part of a broader initiative aimed at lifting communities out of poverty through sustainable job creation.

Another group of artisans was engaged in traditional Miao embroidery and wax dyeing techniques, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of the area while also providing critical income for their families. It’s inspiring to see how these traditional crafts are being integrated into modern industry.

At a nearby garment factory located in the Qianxi Economic Development Zone, we observed the production line in action, where workers diligently processed and ironed clothing items. Aerial footage captured the scale of operations, highlighting a well-organized and efficient production environment.

This initiative not only addresses immediate economic needs but also preserves cultural craftsmanship through modern employment opportunities, helping to bridge the gap between tradition and innovation.

As we concluded our visit, it was clear that these efforts are making a significant impact on the local community, providing hope and a sustainable future for many residents.